Saturday, May 3, 2014
Here's hoping that I would be able to blog more often..

From physical diaries to xanga to blogger to livejournal, and now I'm back to blogger. Still familiar with this. =)

It's the year 2014. woah.  it has been 4 years since I've blogged.

I've officially graduated 2012 from UOL (though we received our results in Sep 2011). Heh. After that, it took me about 6 months to clinch a job. It was so hard as most accounting jobs prefers bilingual in mandarin. =(

By the stroke of some luck, my agent called me up asking whether I wanted a PT job at an international school. As I was open to anything at that point of time, I agreed and thank god for that!! They converted me into a perm within 4 working days and I've been with them til now. =)

Hmmm.. what else.. 2012 was also the year I first went overseas with friends. Be it that it was at Batam for 2D1N, it was a memorable one with michie & her friends!!

Subsequently in 2013, the closed ones in my dept and I went to BKK for 3D2N. I had lotsa of fun there and I can't wait for us to go for another trip!!

2 years at my school. The longest I've ever been working without any studies. Sometimes I do wonder whether I should continue furthering my studies with Australia CPA. Should I? I'm in the comfortable state of going to work early, ending early, going out and lazing around with no worries.

Friendship wise has been kinda rocky with some. My small group AK have sadly end it course of 10 years plus. Due to some apparently issues that has been building up underneath, it finally erupted during the discussion of one's wedding. After that, we did not meet up at all as a group. My bestie from sec school who is part of AK, we do have drifted apart. I barely know what's happening in her life and vice versa. We only had the past to glue us together and I think, truthfully, it may not be enough anymore.

I'm happier now. I have better & closer friends now. Though it might not have been as long as the AK, it's not the years that matters. Is what we all went through in each other lives. I've repaired my friendship with nadia & sha after a year-ish of "separation" from them. And I do believe we are in a better place of understanding. The one that I'm closest with is from my Uni; Michie. We got to know each other during our July Orientation and only contacted much later. If I'm not wrong, we become closer after my birthday and we bonded due to somebody else. LOL. Though we are of two different courses, we went studying together from sch/home/ikea, bonded through our driving lessons/wgm.arashi, etc. We graduated, found jobs and still in each other's lives. =) I'm really glad that she is in my best friend and she's family. We did make some trip plans to go to Korea next year 2015 and hopefully we can go!! =)

Beside my immediate family, there's only Danker clan that I'm close to. It's kinda sad that we don't talk or meet the other side, in a way, we tried and they didn't budge. So for what do we need to keep trying right? You don't be family just cause of blood but family are when we are there for each other lives, through the good and bad times. Fight, argument but due to the love and loyalty of family, we forgive and move on, provided IF both sides compromises and open to each other.

Romance wise has been stagnant. Did have crushes here and there but nothing substantial. At times, I think my heart has already been closed and hard and I do not know what to do to soften it.

Ok. This will rant my rambling for now. Off for some laughter in WLIIA!!




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